Make a donation.
I will be donating 10% of my profit to Seek Her Foundation to help bring awareness to an underlying issue that society doesn’t always talk about or take action for. The mental health struggles for women and the pressure that often times society bring about on us. To help bring more awareness to the issue or if you just want to educate yourself on the topic visit SeekHer Foundation and donate.
Why did I chose SeekHer Foundation?
SeekHer Foundations message is to show women that they don’t need be pressured into society's expectations that often can trigger an unpleasant state of well being. “Women, in particular, have long been held back by a society that constantly defines their identities through unrealistic ideals and cultural expectations that have a significant impact on our well-being…The truth is, women are not made to feel safe in their daily lives by the cultural ideals, social constructs, and power structures in place.” In fact, 1 in 4 girls have depression, eating disorders, and other mental/emotional disorders. We are not defined by our struggles, insecurities, failures or imperfections. I think that we should learn to embrace our weaknesses as they are part of the journey that makes us stronger individuals. I love SeekHer Foundations message and wanted to share it with more people. I think learning how to look and feel confident on the outside is equally as important as learning how to face our fears on the inside to become the best versions of ourselves.
My Story
Growing up, I never really thought about mental health or the importance of it, as I knew there were people out there that have it so much worse than me. I was blessed to grow up with an amazing family that would give me anything in order to be successful and to be healthy. As a kid, I was always shy and I didn’t have a lot of friends. When I began to do makeup and created a page on instagram I began to gain more attention from others and it gave me a lot of validation. People actually wanted to be friends with me and thought I was interesting. I began to notice the amount of kindness I would receive from others and the difference in the way people treated me when I was wearing makeup and dressed up versus the way people would treat me when I wasn’t. I began to use makeup as something to hide my flaws, as if I wasn’t good enough unless I had enough on. I realized how much validation I needed from others and the way I looked on the outside in order to feel like I was worth something. After meeting some amazing friends that loved me for me and nothing else, they taught me the importance of understanding my value and how I should never let people walk all over me just to feel wanted.
In reality, I shouldn’t want to be friends with those who just saw me for how I looked on my instagram or because I seemed like I had a fun life. I am not defined by what I wear, how much makeup is on my face, the amount of friends I have, or any other surface level factor. What defines me is the way I treat others, how I treat myself, and the passions I take on in life that make me happy. I learned how much society makes it seem like we need to fit into a certain box in order to be “acceptable” and it is something that can easily bring us down. In the past couple years I have reconstructed the way I perceive makeup and I want to do that for others as well. Makeup is a tool that can be used in order to enhance ourselves and to feel confident from within. It is also a beautiful art that can be used in different ways to embrace our creativity. I want to empower everyone and to let you know that you will always be enough no matter your ethnicity, body image, sexual orientation, skin color, physical or mental disability.